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REVA Newsletter
- 16 November 2023 -
IKEA introduction to the newsletter, put it together yourself.
  • Welcoming
  • Silly word joke
  • An inside joke
  • Encouragement to read the most important blinking news below
  • Some meta humour
  • Firm lump of butter and hefty pinch of salt (huh, what's a Jeroen Meus recipe coming here to do?)
  • Another lame word joke
  • Inspiration: missing, contact customer service
Outreach news
Sunday 26 November marks Science Day, when the faculty will open its doors to the general public. Come discover the research of colleagues on campus and spread the word in your network!
Shout out to our REVA colleagues participating with a highly recommended activity:
Science Day is also a good reason to launch our REVA LinkedIn (following the Faculty LinkedIn - are you already following it?) next week. Our outreach committee will manage the page, but your help to contribute, repost, share or tag the page is more than welcome!
Stay tuned, next week!

And then this: on Thursday 23 November, you can attend an inspiration session on the social valorisation of your research. What, how, tips, tricks, good practices: it's there to be done.
Research news
The application file for our core facility "Human Movement" (in collaboration with the Department of Movement and Sports Sciences) has been submitted, we will know the result in early December. With a green light, the core facility will see the light from 1 January, full operational start-up will be earlier 1 March.
In the meantime, all important modalities (pricing, reservations, invoicing) and other agreements will be further finalised and communicated afterwards in a targeted manner. Any questions: team leader research prof. Erik Witvrouw is your go to.

The REVA CWO has thoroughly updated the Final Phase Doctorate script, you can find it here.
Final editorial points and commas are currently still being put in the script Beginning Phase Doctorate.

Prof. Jessica Van Oosterwijck recently joined the Gifmi board, which manages the use of the UGent MRI scanner. Our department makes frequent use of the scanner and every use has to be proposed to the Gifmi board. Questions or research proposals are welcome to be checked with prof. Jessica Van Oosterwijck first.

Did you know...
...the faculty can support you in your funding applications? From identifying opportunities, to writing your proposal and pitching your project. Various guidance programmes, depending on type of funding, got you covered.
...there is a Faculty Research Training Program to hone your essential research skills and knowledge? You can view the full programme for this academic year here.
REVA-club: Moving by referral
With the free-to-attend REVA clubs, ACREHAB offers a multidisciplinary view on a central topic.
On Thursday 23 November, 'BOV - Moving by referral' will take centre stage: encouraging patients (feasibly and easily accessible) to move for the benefit of their health. Until recently, only a (general) doctor could prescribe sessions with a BOV coach, but since the beginning of September other healthcare professionals (physiotherapists, occupational therapists,...) can also do this. So this REVA club is enriching for all fellow physiotherapists and occupational therapists, both from the department and the field.
Spread the news and welcome! 

More info and registration
Wellbeing corner
Reculer pour mieux sauter. The past few weeks have been quieter, but our REVA Wellbeing Heroes are picking up the cape and thread. First ideas for 2024, maybe another fine action this autumn, but above all: preparing for our New Year's event in January. The Heroes are working on it. 

You can read the outcome of it all - where else - in the newsletters. To be continued!
IMHS Lecture: "Finding causes of missing heritability in neurogenetic disorders: exploring the dark matter of the genome"
Classroom 5.2 (5B3) - Thursday 23 November 16:00 h.

REVA @fact.ge.wijs Instagram take-over
Week of 18 December

IMHS Lecture: "Skeletal muscle in health and disease: a multi-modal analysis approach"
Classroom 5.1 (5B3) - Thursday 21 December 16:00 h.
Next newsletter: one before the Christmas holidays.
Questions, comments or suggestions for the newsletter?
Please let us know via thibault.bonte@ugent.be!